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Website Snapshot of TMG & ASSOC LLC


(773) 775-0497

6943 N Tonty Ave, Chicago, Illinois   60646-1329 , USA

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My Blog The Chicago Market and Staying Positive August 19th, 2008 4:01 PM If you live in the Chicago area, consider yourself lucky: Chicago has not seen the catastrophic drops in value and foreclosures that have hit cities such as Las Vegas, Detroit, Cape Coral, FL and Stockton, CA. (See Forclosures...
REASONS TO GET AN APPRAISAL Every year, countless people in the United States buy, sell or refinance their own slice of the American Dream. Most, if not all, of these transactions include a simple line item for an appraisal. It has become an understood and accepted part of a real estate transaction....
Mortgage Refinancing Calculator This calculator will help you to decide whether or not you should refinance your current mortgage at a lower interest rate. Not only will this calculator calculate the monthly payment and net interest savings, but it will also calculate how many months it will take to...
Why order online? Lenders, mortgage brokers and others can now order appraisal reports online from my website. What are the advantages of online ordering? It saves time. Where before we would have had to rekey all the property and assignment information from your fax or e-mail, with online ordering ...
Bi-Weekly Mortgage Calculator This calculator will show you how much you will save if you make 1/2 of your mortgage payment every two weeks instead of making a full mortgage payment once a month. In effect, you will be making one extra mortgage payment per year -- without hardly noticing the additio...

Company Profile:

Contact: 773-775-0497
Address: 6943 N Tonty Ave
Chicago, Illinois   60646-1329 , USA
Url: http://www.4tmg.com
Fax: 773-775-0497
Year Established: 2006
Ownership: Woman owned
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