Manufacturing Services We offer a host of manufacturing services to add value to your product. Our team of knowledgeable and experienced professionals can offer value in every aspect of your project. Whether it is design review for manufacturability, prototype machining, production runs or end produ...
Air Bearing Spindles ABT-S Air Bearing Spindle Design There are many different designs of Air Bearing spindles. Air Bearing Technology utilizes a unique spherical air bearing spindle design. This design has been selected over other configurations due to inherent positive qualities, such as, performa...
Custom Assemblies On-Time Assemblies Leverage our skills and expertise to add value to your products. Assemblies are one of our strengths. We understand that you need your products on time and performing flawlessly. Benefits of our service Cost Savings Companies save on their cost of capital becau...
We thank you for visiting our web site. We thank you for your business and your interest in our products. We assure you that your information will not be shared. We respect you privacy and will do so with the highest degree of integrity. We have many contacts and friends that have been our customers...
Linear Air Slides ABT-L General Design Information Air Bearing Technology's unique wrap around dove tail design allows the air slide to be mounted in any position. The fixed clearance design yields maximum stage loading. Gas lubrication films are minimal, using an 8 micron film thickness for minimal...