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Website Snapshot of Specialty Tank & Equipment Co.


(904) 353-8761

857 Robinson Ave., Jacksonville, Florida   32209 , USA

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Sti-P3, Act-100 Composite Tanks - Double and Single Walled Sti-P3 TanksCathodically protected tanks with hard, epoxy outside coating and zinc anodes installed to combat electrolisis Act-100 Composite "Glasscote" TanksSame basic construction as Sti-P3 tank, but with 100 mil coat of chopped fiberglass...

Company Profile:

Contact: 904-353-8761
Address: 857 Robinson Ave.
Jacksonville, Florida   32209 , USA
Url: http://www.specialtytank.com
Fax: 904-353-4615
Year Established: 1940
Annual Sales: US$2.5 Million - US$5 Million
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