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Website Snapshot of Liberty Pattern Co., Inc.


(563) 843-3569

430 Main St., New Liberty, Iowa   52765 , USA

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General Info:

medium size patternshop using the latest technolgy to supply the foundry industry tooling for areospace, agriculture, automotive, and various other industies to make castings made from a wide variety of metals.

Products & Services:

  • Foundry Foundries Patternshop Patternmaking Mold Mould Casting Liberty Prototype Cnc Master Plastic Iowa Ia Jobshop Metal Engineer Aerospace Tooling Fixture Aluminum Pattern

Web Site Results

Home FTPLink Wood&PlasticShop CNCShop MetalShop InvestmentMolds Fixtures CompanyProfile WELCOME TO OUR WEBSITE! Leo August Mike August Rhonda Kuehl Gary August Craig August Metal Shop Supervisor Shop Foremanand Financial Manager Office Manager General Manager CNC-Programmer-Operator Our Mission ...
Home FTPLink Wood&PlasticShop CNCShop MetalShop InvestmentMolds Fixtures CompanyProfile Our largest mill, the SNK, has a maximum travel of 120" x 66" x 42". Most jobs begin in the CNC Department, staffed by Programmer/Operators, where the majority of design and dimensional work is performed. Sta...
Liberty Pattern Logo
Home FTPLink Wood&PlasticShop CNCShop MetalShop InvestmentMolds Fixtures CompanyProfile WELCOME TO OUR WEBSITE! Leo August Mike August Rhonda Kuehl Gary August Craig August Metal Shop Supervisor Shop Foremanand Financial Manager Office Manager General Manager CNC-Programmer-Operator Our Mission ...
Home FTPLink Wood&PlasticShop CNCShop MetalShop InvestmentMolds Fixtures CompanyProfile Bill August, Founder of Liberty Pattern Company, and his "museum" of antique pattern making tools, woodworking equipment, and other interesting collectibles. Feel free to stop by for an informal tour. A Histo...
Home FTPLink Wood&PlasticShop CNCShop MetalShop InvestmentMolds Fixtures CompanyProfile A view of the Wood Shop area. Cubicle workstations are on either side. This portion of the shop is set up in cubicles to provide each patternmaker with a personal area. Each patternmaker can then focus on his...

Company Profile:

Contact: 563-843-3569
Address: 430 Main St.
New Liberty, Iowa   52765 , USA
Url: http://www.libertypattern.com
Fax: 563-843-3579
Year Established: 1981
Annual Sales: US$2.5 Million - US$5 Million
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