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Website Snapshot of SOILANDWATER CO LLC


(812) 339-6664

6640 N Old State Road 37,, Bloomington, Indiana   47408-9741 , USA

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Products & Services:

  • Control
  • Fence
  • Blankets
  • Seeds
  • Grass Seeds
  • Bioengineering
  • Grass

Web Site Results

SoilandWater.com Hydromulch Supplies Hydromulch Supplies & Equipment Applegate Premium Cellulose Mulch Excel Fibermulch II Hydroseeding is a seeding process where grass seed..., which allows grass to grow much thicker and faster than normal seed applications. Hydroseeding helps prevent wind and water erosion by bonding the layers of the seed bed together...
the root system must be vast to find the small amounts of water they are given. This picture shows grass growing in two different containers that were planted at the same time. The...
decomposition of leaves, small branches, grass clippings and scum. Reduces buildup of animal and fish feces. Enzymes include: protease, amylase, esterase, lipase, cellulase, xylanase... into the liquid and toss the remaining bran into the pond. An old man's Tee-shirt makes a very effective filter. Thoroughly saturate leaves and grass clippings (before they can...
,vegetative bacteria and two strains of cellulose and lignin degrading fungi, specially created to more rapidly degrade falling leaves, grass clippings, and other plant debris which...

Company Profile:

Contact: 812-339-6664
Address: 6640 N Old State Road 37,
Bloomington, Indiana   47408-9741 , USA
Url: http://www.soilandwater.com
Fax: 812-336-6747
Year Established: 2005
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